There’s a terrible fact that’s beginning to sink deeper into my consciousness. Despite years of photography research, countless negatives, yearly workshops, sleepless nights pondering upon photography, friends that all know me as Matt the photography nut; occasionally, somebody will ask the dreaded question: “Can I see some of your work?”. At this moment all sense of logic appears to fall apart. They cannot see my digital work, for now, I’m all about the tactile print. My old work is random, random images is not what I am about anymore. Today is about bodies of work, themes. Most of my old contact prints where from the days before I figured out archival print washing, alas they have all self-destructed.
My more current work was made slightly before I had an enlarger, and its only since I’ve had my enlarger that I learnt a certain quality of negative is needed to print properly, of which I’ve only taken two dozen, and only 2 negatives where really good, damn it.

Something has to be done to fix this disaster and I have only one plan. I have read a few times about the 100 prints project. I want to find 100 of my best images and print them all in a cohesive manner. All printed to the best of my ability, toned and matted. For many reasons, this will be a challenge for me! I am not convinced I have 100 printable gelatin dryplates, never mind 100 great negatives. However, I will persevere to print as many as I can over the next few weeks.